
Details of our warranty

Important to know!

The equipment and materials used by Nomad Design are of superior quality. Our large experience in the field of large format printing for the professional market allows our team to guarantee you a very high quality product.


  • We guarantee 100% manufacturing defects.
  • It is important to open and inspect your package as soon as you receive it. If the packaging is damaged, it would be important to mention it to the delivery man so that a note is added to the file. If the product is damaged, please advise us as soon as possible so that we can proceed with the exchange.
  • Since the products sold are custom printed, all sales are final once you have approved the visual. We therefore suggest printing samples for colour approval. Please contact us for this type or request.


  • The variation of the printed colors compared to the colors seen on the screen. The colors perceived on the screen differ from the printed result. They are therefore, in no case, a reference for the approval of the colors. You have a doubt on the fidelity of the colors for the impression? Request for a sample prior to purchase.
  • Spelling and other errors in the original documents. Be sure to verify the information on your documents before approving them.
  • No returns will be accepted for a product that has already been partially or totally used, modified or installed. (Voir les installation instructions where you will find information on the preparation of your wall.) Make sure that the product and the surface on which it will be installed are spotless before beginning your installation. We offer a quality installation sevice with which the warranty covers both the product and the installation at 100%. Certain conditions apply.
  • Any reprint of a product under warranty will be made according to the original file with no possibility of modification.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question.